Sunday, January 24, 2010

New Year, Fresh Start

So here it is January already. Almost February even. It has gone by so quickly, it will be 2011 before we know it. I'm sitting here listening to my kiddos play in the tub and reminiscing of when they were babies. So tiny, so wonderful, and yet so much more work. I'm amazed of that they can do by themselves (with supervision), and so thankful that I am free to do other things now. Don't get me wrong, I loved it when they were so little and cuddly, and needed me for so much. But I think I love it more now, when I can say, 'go play in your room', and I know that they will go run off and play dress-up, make up dances and read books so I can get some housework/scrapwork done. Each year is like a life of its own in that aspect. You're ready for that new start, the new beginning, a blank slate to make this year great. January is new and fresh, filled with hope & promise. By July, the year has lost its cuteness and is just another year, still interesting in its own way, but not as exciting and fresh as January was. But by December, you look back and think, "Wow, where did that time go?", it goes by too fast. My goal (not resolution, I don't do resolutions, too absolute for me), my goal is to slow down, appreciate 2010, appreciate the seasons, the changing months, days, hours, and by appreciating the year, I hope to appreciate my family more as well. Take in the little moments as they happen, stop what I'm doing and see what they're doing. Slow down; less rushing. So on that note, I'm off to go watch the Barbie bubble fight happening in our bathroom right now. Happy 2010!